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Thank you for taking part is this production. In the spirit of helping young people make good choices towards a successful future we want to celebrate those of you who have made the right choice to push forward and pursue a post-secondary education. We support you in your efforts and wish you all the best. We have decided to celebrate this great achievement by having a draw for a bursary prize to some special students in our audience. Follow the steps to enter the draw.


1. Purchase a ticket
2. the ticket represents your ballet
3. Register on the website
4. enjoy the show with your friends and family
5. be present on the night of the show in order to claim your bursary prize if your number is selected


NOTE: Student must be able to receive the prize in person on the night of the draw. Student must be currently attending a post-secondary institution, or will be attending in the next school year. Student may have more then one ticket (ballet) that is entered in their favor. Please write ALL ticket No. in your favor in the Ticket No. box. Numbers that are not listed in the form will not be counted for the winning.

Word of Life Ministries PCG

Extraordinary Achievers Bursury

WOL Extraordinary Achievers Bursury Registration Form

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